"A decisive positive attitude leads to health and happiness. A negative confused attitude creates disease and unhappiness. You must choose your own lifestyle. You have been given free choice to chart a destiny during this life. No one else can alter or chart a course for you. No one can live your life for you. There are no magic pills, no potions, no masters, no gurus, no books that can take action for you. Only you can make your decisions and take the necessary action that will eventually bring forth the blessings of health, happiness and success to your life. By cleansing your blood and body of impurities, eating wholesome natural foods, purifying your mind, and thinking positive optimistic thoughts, you will lose the basic fears that plague humanity."
" Each and every day, we must extend total freedom to every person in the universe, including our family members and close friends. Let them live their own lives. Stop trying to change the world and other people's habits against their will. Let every person make his or her own decisions, good or bad. No one wants to be fenced in; we all want to be free. The Tao forces no one, for love can not compel, therefore it is a thing of perfect freedom. The natural way of spreading ideas calls for more than ridding ourselves of name-calling, propagandising, telling others what to think or how to act, and other such actions. It suggests that the soul be cleansed of any such notion, for it is clear that we can no more improve another person than we can alter the heavens above.
Give up self-assertion and relax. Let go! give up all efforts to be important or superior to your fellow human beings. Quit trying to make carbon copies of others, instead, give them something to copy. Realize that you can not improve another; all you can do is inspire. This is where the old saying that an example is worth more than a thousand sermons holds true. When you give up that bad habit of dictating another's life, you open up the channel of love between individuals. Peace will then be yours. You will attract more friends, and your acquaintances and family will find boundless joy and happiness in your presence."
"The Kingdom of Heaven is within us. We need not to go anywhere to pray. We can simply bow our heads and ask the creative force for guidance and with that attitude we can live a heavenly joyous life, even during difficult and troubled times. Your good is here. Accept it. Your joy is near. Embrace it. Your power is within. Harness it. Your victory is now. Claim it. Your freedom is real. Declare it. Your abundance is overflowing. Share it. Your prosperity is good. Receive it. Your problem is purposeful. Bless it. Your faith is mighty. Use it. Your song is beautiful. Sing it.
Life is a stage and we are all acting out a part. The stage is set. You have been given a role to play. It is now your time to go into action and to utilize the props and scenes that the Creator has so generously given you to perform with: natural foods, air, water and sunshine. These are the fundamental Taoist secrets that no man or woman can ever do without. They are part and parcel of life itself. Our function is to learn how to play our role in life superbly well and become the star attraction we were all designed to be.
Through the understanding and application of natural law - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual - we become an acting part of the creative force that has brought us to this earth stage. We urge you to seek this path to health, beauty, and spiritual evolvement; sincerely believe in it, and inspire others to follow your message and example."
in Cosmic Nutrition by Master Mantak Chia and William U. Wei