quinta-feira, 19 de março de 2015

Can't You Trust Life?

"How to live for nine months? You lived well, you did well, perfectly well - otherwise you would not have been there. And there was no yoga teacher to teach you to be in a certain posture, to teach you how to breathe, how to do Pranayama and Pratyahar, and which Asana will be the best. You didn't ask anybody. There was nobody to ask. You lived in the womb naturally and you grew. God was taking care, the whole was taking care, everything was provided. Then you were born and then you became a child - you did not ask how to breathe, how to walk, how to talk. Everything came by and by. Can't you trust life? One day you became a young man, youth came, and love started arising in your being. One day you will become old, life will start disappearing, and then one day death will come and the circle will be complete. 
Why are you always trying to interfere? Tao says you should be in Wu-Wei, non-interference. Let the whole do things. This is a very radical attitude, this is the greatest revolutionary attitude ever. "How?" is very childish. Yoga is for children, Tao is for grown-ups. So don't ask: but then how is one to live before becoming enlightened? Just live. And just living, I tell you, is fantastic. It is far out!"

Osho - Tao: The Pathless Path II

terça-feira, 17 de março de 2015

Nothing Is Going To Happen Ever

"Nothing is going to happen ever. Drop waiting, start being. Waiting is a thought process, being is existential. Live, live as much as you can, as intensely as you can, as passionately as you can. And through that passionate love for life, through that flame of authentic living, something burns down in you: the ego. And when the ego is burnt down, something happens. That happening has nothing to do with your effort. It comes. It is a happening."

Osho - Tao: The Pathless Path II

domingo, 8 de março de 2015

The Eye Of The Storm

"Yes, it will become more clear in a relationship because when you are alone you don't have any mirror. Just as you need a mirror to see your faceso you need the mirror of relationship to see your being. Love functions as a mirror, it shows you where you are, what you are, who you are. Hence any people become afraid of relationship. They are cowards. They escape to the Himalayas or to Tibet or to the monasteries or to the caves. Why are they escaping and from what? They are escaping from mirrors. I have heard about an ugly woman who would never look in a mirror because she used to think that the mirrors were against her. These are you mahatmas. They escape from relationship because relationship shows their ugliness, relationship shows where they are, who they are. Sitting in their caves in the Himalays they feel perfectly beautiful because there is no mirror.
Never escape from relationship. That's why I have introduced sannyas with relationship, not without it. There is great meaning in it. Never on the earth has sannyas existed with relationship, that's why I say that sannyas has not really existed or, the sannyas that has previously existed was anaemic, bloodless. People thought they were beautiful without the mirror they thought they were beautiful. It is very easy to befool yourself when the mirror is not there. When you are in relationship with people, in a thousand and one ways you are provoked, challenged, seduced. Again and again you come to know your pitfalls, your limitations, your anger, your lust, your possessiveness, your jealousy, your sadness, your happiness all moods come and go, you are constantly in a turmoil. But this is the only way to know who you are.
Self-knowledge is not the knowledge of a dead self, self-knowledge is the knowledge of the process of the self. It is an alive phenomenon. The self is not a thing, it is an event it is a process. Never think in terms of things the self is not there inside you just like a thing waiting in a room. The self is a process: changing, moving, arriving at new altitudes, moving into new planes, going deeper into new depths. Each moment much work is going on and the only way to encounter this self is to encounter it in relationship.
Love is the mirror. Let your meditation be mirrored in love. If you find that something is missing, meditate more - but never escape from love; let it be mirrored in love again and again, because that will be the only criterion of whether you are growing or not. If you are really growing in love soon you will see that love has remained and jealousy has disappeared; love has remained and possessiveness has disappeared. A great purity arises, a great innocence. A fragrance is released into your soul. Go on meditating and go on loving. Let love and meditation be two things. Let them help each other.
I  am showing you a path which is arduous, which is really arduous. Love alone is good because there is nothing to reflect, meditation alone is simples because there is no mirror to reflect, but meditation and love together... I am throwing you into the very eye of the storm. But that is the only way one comes home.
And when things become silent after the storm, the silence is alive, it is not the dead silence of a cemetery."

Osho - Tao: The Pathless Path Vol. II

The Real Thing Is To Receive The Truth

"Why has there never been a single woman enlightened master?
A woman cannot be a master - it is not possible. When a woman arrives she becomes a mistress, not a master. The fulfilment of a woman is love. Mastery is not the goal of the feminine mind; they don't become masters, they become mistresses. To be a master is basically a male effort. Awareness is the way of man, love is the way of woman.
On the path of awareness it is possible to teach; one can become a master. On the path of love, how can one teach love? You can flower, you can bloom in love, but how can you teach it? Yes, if somebody wants to learn from you he will learn it but you will not be a master.
She sings the song of the glory of her lord, she dances. If somebody can catch something from her, it is overflowing; but she cannot be a teacher. She is surrendered, her surrender is absolute. Yes, if you are in her company, you will learn what surrender is... But you will have to learn, she will not teach.
A man can become a good master. A woman can become a good disciple because to become a disciple means to become a receiver, to be receptive, to become a womb. To become a master means to become a giver.
Biologically, a woman is ready to receive the sperm of the man she loves. The man cannot become a mother, he can only become a father.
When a woman comes to a master she is already ready to surrender.
All the great disciples in the world were women.
Buddha had thousand of disciples, but the proportion has always been the same: three women, one man. So was the proportion with Mahavir.
And so was the case with Jesus.
The really devoted people around him were not the men but the women. When he was crucified all the man escaped, there was not a single man. All those so called apostles had all disappeared, but the women were there. Three women were there: they had no fear, they were ready to sacrifice themselves. When Jesus was taken down from the cross, it was not by men - those disciples had gone far away, and one or two were there but they were hiding in the crowd, women took down the body. And it is very significant that when Jesus appeared after three days, resurrected, he appeared to Mary Magdalen, not to a man.
She immediately recognized him.
When she went to tell the male disciples that Jesus was resurrected, they laughed. They said woman you are hallucinating. And they laughed and they said this is how women always are: imaginative, dreaming, romantic. Now look at this foolish woman. Jesus is dead. We have seen him die on the cross with our own eues. But she cried and she said listen to me. I have seen him. But they would not listen.
A woman can be a perfect disciple and this is how it should be. Woman is receptive, an opening, a womb. They have never been masters
But there have never been disciples like women
The female mind is more blessed. Because the real thing is to receive the truth, the real thing is not to give it that is secondary. And a woman is always more total than a man. Whenever she receives the truth she becomes luminous: her whole body, her whole being shows it, she carries an aura.
Have you not seen a woman who is pregnant, how beautiful she becomes? Her face glows, she is carrying a new life within her. And this is nothing compared to a woman who really becomes a disciple. She is carrying God himself within her. Her glory is infinite.
So don't be worried why women don't become masters. There is no need. If you can become disciples, that is natural and you will always remain true to nature."

Osho - Tao: The Pathless Path Vol I