domingo, 10 de abril de 2016

You Need Have No Fear Of Failure

"During the four year period from 1908 to 1912 he had then continued further, also successfully surveying the boundary of Paraguay and the border between Peru and Brazil. Then Fawcett’s mind began to turn toward the undertaking of various explorations in the region. Finally, when embarking upon a new expedition from a place deep in the Brazilian jungle that he had named 'Dead Horse Camp' he wrote his last letter to his wife on May 29th 1925.
In the letter he said this to her:
"Our route will be from Dead Horse Camp, 11° 43' south and 54° 35' west, where my horse died in 1921, roughly northeast to the Xingu, visiting on the way an ancient stone tower which is the terror of the surrounding Indians, as at night it is lighted from door and windows. If we do not return, I desire not that you organize any rescue game ... It is too dangerous. For if I, with all my experience, fail, then not much hope is left in the triumph of others and I would not encourage such an attempt. That is one of the reasons of why I do not say exactly where we go ... one thing is doubtless: the answer to this enigma and perhaps to the prehistoric world... it will be found when these old cities have been located and are open to scientific research. BECAUSE the CITIES EXIST... of THAT I AM CERTAIN........You need have no fear of failure."
And those were the last words that anyone ever heard from him."

In Earth's Forbidden Secrets by Max Igan

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