"It is not fully understood what the exact mechanics behind polar reversals are exactly, though it is speculated that a slip in the lithosphere due to the weight of ice build up at the South Pole could account for it. It is however, widely accepted and agreed that reversals tend to happen when there is a wide divergence between the magnetic and geographic poles (as is presently the case). Another possibility is that the Earth is grossly unbalanced. That is the greatest area of landmass is immediately opposite the greatest body of ocean and since the relative weights between land and water are disproportionate, one side of the planet is much heavier than the other making its rotational forces act a little like an unbalanced washing machine. This theory also gives rise to the possibility that some force of influence, possibly a largish meteor impact or the close passage of another celestial body could literally flip the planet over on its axis.
It has also been speculated that polar reversal actually involves a fluid like layer of the earth known as the lithosphere. If the theory is correct then the link between magnetic and geographic reversal may possibly be more apparent.
It is known that vast streams of magma constantly flow beneath the Earth’s crust. Much of it rises from deep within the earth through the movement of tectonic plates but a good deal of it is
also produced from the heat build up of pressure and movement in the region where the earth's crust meets the second layer. This second layer is called the mantle and it is much harder than the crust. Due to rotation, axial wobble and the sheer weight of pressure, the crust is in a state of constant movement and is always rubbing against the mantle. This rubbing produces heat and more magma which then creates a thin layer of 'sludge' between the crust and mantle. It has
been theorized that it is this thin layer of fluid-like sludge known as the lithosphere that occasionally allows the crust to simply slip around the outside of the mantle. Just imagine a baked potato wrapped in aluminum foil with the potato as the mantle and the foil as the crust. It is easy to slip the foil around to the other side of the potato without changing the orientation of the actual potato. In this type of scenario the actual planetary axis would not shift geographically but the crust would reorient itself in relation to the mantle with catastrophic results. This would cause drastic geographic and magnetic changes on the surface. You can image what kind of earthquakes would occur on a planetary scale if the entire crust slipped around the mantle. It has been predicted that in such a slip of the lithosphere most of the water on the planet would temporarily relocate to the poles before spreading out around the globe again. The wall of water produced in such an event would be well beyond anything that could be categorized as a 'wave'.
In such an event the continent that is now located at the South Pole for example, could theoretically move to a different location and a new continent could literally take its place to begin its own private ice age just as Antarctica is doing now.
Is such a slipping of the lithosphere possible? Yes, unfortunately it is.
The earth is flying through space, and when I say flying, I mean really flying folks. I mean we are really stepping out, pedal to the metal. The Earth's rotational speed is about 1,000 miles per hour and while we’re spinning like some huge top we’re also racing non-stop around the sun. Earth travels along its orbital plane at around 66,600 miles per hour (18.5miles per second). I know it all seems nice and casual and peaceful while you just sit around on the surface reading or whatever, but folks we are really on the move. Earth's axis is, of course, tilted to the perpendicular at about 23.5 degrees which gives us our four seasons, but while we’re spinning at this angle we are also wobbling slightly on this 23.5 degree axis. This slight discrepancy to the vertical obliquity of the elliptic is an excursion of about 2.4 degrees in either direction from our true axis. The full cycle of one wobble from 24.5 degrees to 22.1 degrees takes around 13,000 years to complete in each direction giving us a round trip total of 26,000 years from point A and back to point A, providing us with the 26,000 year procession of the zodiac. You get all that? It seems solid on the surface but it’s not really a totally stable rotation.
One major factor contributing to a lithosphere slip could be the enormous and ever increasing weight of the south polar ice cap. The Antarctic ice cap grows by an estimated 10,000,000 cubic meters of ice a day just through normal condensation, dew and snow fall which generates an incredible amount of added weight to the ice cap daily. When such weight is combined with axial wobble and a layer of fluid like sludge between the crust and the mantle, a sudden slip of the lithosphere becomes a very real possibility and it would only take something like a celestial event to serve as the catalyst to trigger it off.
A similar effect to that which creates the fluid layer found in the lithosphere can be seen on a smaller scale in the south polar ice cap itself. The enormous weight of the ice resting on the continent beneath it, subjects the surface of the continent to a huge amount of pressure. Pressure creates heat and when that is combined with tectonic movement the result is a thin layer of sludge lying between the ice cap and the continent and one that is in a constant state of movement. Given this fact, there is even the distinct likelihood that the entire south polar ice cap could even just
slip off the continent it’s resting on and into the ocean, causing massive floods and tsunamis world wide. The great flood of Noah in the bible was said to have come from the south. The ancient deluge spoken of in the Sumerian tales was reported to have come from the south. In fact it’s the same in virtually all of the ancient myths that deal with or mention the flood in any detail at all.
There is an abundant wealth of evidence to suggest that the people of the ancient world understood the cycle of rotational events surrounding polar reversal far better than we do today and took the event quite seriously. It is no surprise that they considered the information to be extremely important. They understood that as one day gives way to the next and one year to the next, so does one age give way to the next. They understood very well that when these changes occur there are periods of great disruption and turbulence that can be incredibly destructive to life on earth. They have stressed repeatedly through their monuments and texts that this
destructive cycle is repeated again and again and is a routine element of the planet we live on.
All of the texts, all of the monuments and all legends from all cultures that refer to such an occurrence, hint at the same message: The event always occurs close to a change in the zodiac.
We are currently in the 'no time' between Pisces and Aquarius. The work in done in ‘Hamlets Mill’ by Giorgio De Santillana & Hertha Von Dechend, plus a basic understanding of celestial mechanics, aptly shows that due to our current orbital position in the vastness of the Milky Way, the possibilities of something like this occurring very soon are extremely possible.
Through studying ancient texts, geological evidence and by modern scientific methods we can be absolutely certain that polar reversals have definitely occurred quite often in the past. We
are able to irrefutably predict that another polar reversal of some type will indeed occur again in the future and that it is in fact, only a matter of time. Unfortunately there is absolutely nothing we can do to prevent such an event and when it does happen, it has the potential to be either a huge inconvenience or a catastrophe of epic proportions with few survivors. Whichever it will be, we can only hope that such an event does not occur for as long as possible."
in Earth's Forbidden Secrets by Max Igan