quinta-feira, 19 de março de 2015

Can't You Trust Life?

"How to live for nine months? You lived well, you did well, perfectly well - otherwise you would not have been there. And there was no yoga teacher to teach you to be in a certain posture, to teach you how to breathe, how to do Pranayama and Pratyahar, and which Asana will be the best. You didn't ask anybody. There was nobody to ask. You lived in the womb naturally and you grew. God was taking care, the whole was taking care, everything was provided. Then you were born and then you became a child - you did not ask how to breathe, how to walk, how to talk. Everything came by and by. Can't you trust life? One day you became a young man, youth came, and love started arising in your being. One day you will become old, life will start disappearing, and then one day death will come and the circle will be complete. 
Why are you always trying to interfere? Tao says you should be in Wu-Wei, non-interference. Let the whole do things. This is a very radical attitude, this is the greatest revolutionary attitude ever. "How?" is very childish. Yoga is for children, Tao is for grown-ups. So don't ask: but then how is one to live before becoming enlightened? Just live. And just living, I tell you, is fantastic. It is far out!"

Osho - Tao: The Pathless Path II

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