sexta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2020

Nasci Sonhei Cresci Amei

"Foi deus que dar-me quis

O doce que encontrei

Na vida que me fez feliz

Nasci, sonhei, cresci e amei

Nasci fui criança e sonhei

E à sombra de amor

Foi que cresci e me criei

Sonhei, sonho irreal

Em que era o rei

Que fez do bem seu ideal

Cresci fiz castelos no ar

Desejei ter amor

Tudo corri para te encontrar

Amei, quando te vi

E agora sei qual a razão

Porque nasci."

Manuela de Moura Sá Teles Santos

sábado, 9 de maio de 2020

Infinite Passion of Life

“All art is autobiographical; the pearl is the oyster's autobiography.”

“There is no end. There is no beginning. There is only the infinite passion of life. ”

“If there were a little more silence, if we all kept quiet...maybe we could understand something.”

“You have to live spherically - in many directions. Never lose your childish enthusiasm - and things will come your way.”

“I don’t like the idea of “understanding” a film. I don’t believe that rational understanding is an essential element in the reception of any work of art. Either a film has something to say to you or it hasn’t. If you are moved by it, you don’t need it explained to you. If not, no explanation can make you moved by it.”

“A different language is a different vision of life.”

“I don't believe in total freedom for the artist. Left on his own, free to do anything he likes, the artist ends up doing nothing at all. If there's one thing that's dangerous for an artist, it's precisely this question of total freedom, waiting for inspiration and all the rest of it.”

“We must get beyond passions, like a great work of art. In such miraculous harmony. We should learn to love each other so much to live outside of time... detached.”

“An artist is a provincial who finds himself somewhere between a physical reality and a metaphysical one. It’s this in-between that I’m calling a province, this frontier country between the tangible world and the intangible one. That is the realm of the artist.”

“Going to the cinema is like returning to the womb; you sit there still and meditative in the darkness, waiting for life to appear on the screen. One should go to the cinema with the innocence of a fetus”

“I’m just a storyteller, and the cinema happens to be my medium. I like it because it recreates life in movement, enlarges it, enhances it, distills it. For me, it’s far closer to the miraculous creation of life than, say, a painting or music or even literature. It’s not just an art form; it’s actually a new form of life, with its own rhythms, cadences, perspectives and transparencies. It’s my way of telling a story.”

“All art is autobiographical.”

“Experience is what you get while looking for something else.”

“Happiness is simply a temporary condition that proceeds unhappiness. Fortunately for us, it works the other way around as well. But it's all a part of the carnival, isn't it?”

“Talking about dreams is like talking about movies, since the cinema uses the language of dreams; years can pass in a second and you can hop from one place to another. It’s a language made of image. And in the real cinema, every object and every light means something, as in a dream.”

“I even see the cinema itself as a woman, with its alternation of light and darkness, of appearing and disappearing images”

“ Fate is written in the face.”

“Jung acompanha-nos à porta do incognoscível e deixa que vejamos e compreendamos por nós próprios.”

“Ricordati che è un film comico. ['Remember, this is a comedy']”

"Nothing is more honest than a dream."

"Money is everywhere but so is poetry. What we lack are the poets."

Federico Fellini

quarta-feira, 29 de abril de 2020

O Quadro do Futuro

"Havemos de ir ao futuro.
Havemos de ir ao futuro e quando lá chegarmos hão-de estar 
no sofá os nossos pais
a cuidar dos sonhos que nos deram
os nossos avós a encher de luzes a árvore de Natal
os nossos filhos e os filhos deles
espantados e atrevidos como nós.
Havemos de ir ao futuro e quando lá chegarmos
hão-de estar todos juntos numa festa à nossa espera
mesmo os amigos que perdemos no caminho
hão-de lá estar todos com balões de várias cores
bolo-rei e ao fundo da sala um cartaz do tamanho da nossa idade se lê :
ainda bem que vieram.
Havemos de ir juntos ao futuro
ou se não houver boleia para todos ao mesmo tempo
havemos de nos encontrar lá.
Havemos de ir juntos ao futuro e no futuro
estará finalmente tudo como dantes. "

Filipa Leal



Se puderes
Sem angústia
E sem pressa.
E os passos que deres,
Nesse caminho duro
Do futuro
Dá-os em liberdade.
Enquanto não alcances
Não descanses.
De nenhum fruto queiras só metade.

E, nunca saciado,
Vai colhendo ilusões sucessivas no pomar.
Sempre a sonhar e vendo
O logro da aventura.
És homem, não te esqueças!
Só é tua a loucura
Onde, com lucidez, te reconheças...

Miguel Torga

quarta-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2020

Reality Transurfing

"Do not fight off pendulums.
Accept them. You have no right to judge or change them. You have the right to choose to visit a different exhibition. Exert your right to choose.
To eliminate something from your life: ignore it. Do not avoid it.
Tune into a different frequency.

If you ever find yourself in a situation that you know will unfold according to a set script, do something surprising.
If the vibrational frequency of your energy differs significantly from that of the pendulum, dissonance will be created which will disturb the pendulum's beat.

If you set yourself the goal of remembering until it becomes a habit, you will gradually work up immunity to the provocation of pendulums.

Be empty to the problem. Your subconscious is directly linked to the information field where the solution to any potential problem already exists. Relax, release any fear or anxiety regarding the issue. Let go.
Contemplate the nature of emptiness.
The solution will come instantly.
This exercise develops the ability to obtain knowledge intuitively. You just have to make it a habit. Be detached, free yourself from the pendulum.

We always end up getting the things and situations which our thoughts are most strongly attached to. Our thoughts always come back to us like a boomerang.

Acquire the habit of giving attention to all that is positive and good.

Find joy in all parts of your world and you will transform it into paradise.

Pendulums can not throw you off the wave of fortune once remembering is developed through consistent practice.

Match detachment with integrity. Detaching yourself from a situation does not mean behaving carelessly in a slack manner, It means to act with a cold mind, without creating excess potential at the same time as fulfilling the tasks required of you.

Don't battle against yourself. Free up that energy and channel it towards what you intend.

The habit of taking pleasure in tiny details is empowering.

Reclaim the right to be yourself. No one has the right to judge you and you have the right to be yourself.

The only obstacle on the path to fulfilling your desires is the projection of artificial importance.
The excessive potential of importance dissipates with action. Do no think, act!
If you can not act, then it is better not to think at all. Shift your attention to something else, and as far as possible, let go of the situation.

All processes strive to move along paths which are most energy efficient so the alternative streams are organised along the path of least resistance.

If you reduce the importance you attribute to an obstacle it will fade of its own accord. If the obstacle does not respond to your effects to overcome it, move around it and guiding signs will appear to assist you.

The mind's greatest error is that it strives to catch the flow itself rather than its own movement within the flow. 

By being willing to release control you will acquire more control over a situation than ever before. The objective observer always has the advantage over a direct participant. Exercise detachment.

Go with the flow, not in a literal sense by agreeing with everything and everybody, but by moving the center of gravity from control to observation. Observe more and do not be in a hurry to control things.

Inner intention achieves the goal. "I insist that..."
Outer intention chooses it. "It turns out that..."

Conscious awareness lies in observation, not in the ability to control.

Taking responsibility for your own fate is not a burden, but an act of freedom.

Awareness gives clarity of mind.

Outer intention: it is control and at the same time the renunciation of control. It is the decision to have and at the same time as the abandonment of the need to achieve.

I know that I have what I claim. It is already decided and so I redirect energy at the frequency of a life line where I have what I want.

It is essential to give yourself permission to have.

The feeling of clarity without words, knowledge without faith, confidence without hesitation comes from the unity that exists between heart and mind.

Whenever you feel the slightest sense of awe for the world of your dream, drive the feeling out of your mind. Outer and inner importance are obstacles on the path to unity of heart and mind. This is your world and there is nothing in it that is unavoidable to you. The world of your dream should be joyful and at the same time commonplace. When something is yours, it seems unremarkable and has an everyday quality to it, so in order to attune yourself to a life line that corresponds to your dream, you have to feel as if you already have it.

Desire is the concentration of attention on the goal. Intention is the concentration of attention on movement towards the goal.

The things that belong to you seem mundane and you take them for granted. You handle things that are your calmly, without insistence, in the same manner that you take letters out of your post box.

Allow yourself to have.

Wake up and tune into the feelings you experienced at the moment you made the decision.

You convince the mind that everything is already going smoothly.

The will to have and the complete absence of insistence and determination on your part play the key role. Take what is yours calmly and without pressuring the situation, just as you would take the post from your letter box. All inner intention should do is put one foot in front of the other on the way to the letter box.

As soon as you have consciously reduce outer importance and abandon fighting against the alternatives flow, the obstacles you perceive will be cleared from your path. 

All you need now is coordination to move with the flow and consciously control, not the script, but your importance levels. Energy that was previously channelled into maintaining all sorts of excess potential now goes on supporting the balance and just slightly helping the flow along with the oar of purified intention.

Coordination means: taking pleasure of thinking about the goad as if it had already been reached, letting go of the grip of control over the script and going with the alternatives flow, helping it along with the oar of pure intention.

There is no need to fight to achieve your goal. All you need is the will to have.

If you concentrate on the goal as if you had already achieved it, your doors open and the means take care of themselves.

Act! The potential of waiting is dispersed into action. Dissolve desire and expectation.

If you choose to perceive seemingly negative changes in the script as positive, that's what their outcome will be.

All the mind has to do is to run the target slide and follow the principle of coordination. Then outer intention successfully brings your goal.

Coordination is the most effective means of moving through the alternatives space.

Replace "believe" with "know". If the mind knows that such a thing is going to happen the heart agrees without question.

Remind yourself of the knowledge that you achieve your goal.

Make a concrete task to consciously an deliberately re-attune your energy towards realising your best expectations.

To gain your real freedom, you must abandon importance.

Any importance that can be consciously dropped, should be. Anything that can not be consciously dropped can be transformed through action.

If you perceive life as a celebration, whatever is happening, it becomes one.

It requires boldness to rely on yourself rather than continuing to search for the answers in books. Turn the focus of your mind to your soul and there you will find the answers to all your questions.

To be yourself means accepting yourself as you are in all your imperfection. Allowing another to be themselves, means taking back the projection of your own expectations of them. As a result, any situation in which one person meets something another would find unacceptable is automatically resolved.

Do not ask, do not demand, do not struggle, just create. Shape your own reality with the help of conscious intention.

The world is like a mirror that reflects your relationship to it.

Reflection is formed in the unity of heart and mind.

The world is always taking care of you.

My world chooses the best for me. I go with the alternatives flow, the world meets me halfway. I create the layer of my world with intention. I might not know how to take care of myself for the best, but my world does know. Everything that happens contributes towards the realisation of my intention and everything happens as it should. 

Switch your attention from the reflection to the image. In other words, take control of your thoughts. Think about what you want and are striving to achieve rather than the things you do not want or try to avoid.

You have to consciously create your mood.

Concentrate your attention on what you want.

In order for a thought form to become established as physical reality, you have to produce it methodically.

By abandoning the position of control. you acquire real control over a situation.

The alternatives flow always takes the path of least resistance. All the world does is reflect your relationship to reality with total precision.

Do not suppress your emotions. Change your relationship with the problem.

When fun reduces tension, the soul is set free.

Switch the mind's control from script development to dynamic, on-going adjustment.

The focus of intention determines the vector of the alternatives flow.

Whatever happens, if you keep your target slide in mind and observe the principle of coordination, the alternatives flow will carry you to your feel, such is the law."

in Reality Transurfing by Vadim Zeland